Coverage from all sides
Closely monitor risks of all types, from regulatory issues, emerging competitors, data privacy breaches, and more.
The only solution surfacing 3rd, 4th, and 5th party threats to your business.
Stay ahead of the curve with AI that maps relationships, exposes red flags, and alerts you to key information in real-time 𑁋 allowing you to pivot before a risk materializes.
Identify all connections that could potentially impact your business, including subsidiaries, customers, tangentially connected suppliers, and partnerships — even without formal SEC filings.
Dig deeper with Risk Connector’s powerful AI and algorithms that are uniquely designed to reflect your specific business within the evolving economic landscape.
Illuminate risks that are documented with granular source data and disclosable to any auditor, regulator, or customer who needs validation of your practices.
Risk Connector combines billions of data points to map relationships and identify risks in time to avoid detrimental situations.