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Monitor global policies and regulations in 80+ countries around the world - with one easy-to-use solution.
The most comprehensive directory of international public policy data on the market.
Monitor legislative and regulatory policy in Europe, North America, South America, and Asia Pacific and get alerted on the key policy developments that matter to your organization around the globe.
FiscalNote’s global team of analysts is the gold standard, bringing you context and a more efficient way to understand which policies are important, what they mean, and why they matter — so that you can take the best course of action in each of your key markets.
Better understand the stakeholder networks affecting your organization’s key markets, and keep track of engagements that global teams can access no matter where they are — freeing up your time to strategize on a winning action plan.
Drive alignment with insights on key issues. Collaboration and workflow features allow your global team to quickly share knowledge about what is happening and where.
With easy-to-use reporting capabilities, see what your team is working on with the ability to drill down on every action taken.
“FiscalNote improved our efficiency by automatically tracking and monitoring legislation and regulation that may greatly affect our ability to ensure access for our patients globally.”
— Head of Policy and Government Affairs, Astellas US
“[FiscalNote] helped connect global team members and move them toward a common goal. It gives real-time visibility and allows my team to self-serve."
— Senior Vice President of Corporate and Government Affairs, Nestlé
FiscalNote is the #1 solution for providing critical policy and global intelligence in a rapidly evolving world.
Powered by data and AI, analyzed by experts, and enhanced by the community, our policy and global intelligence solutions help you navigate today’s complex world.