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Energy & Environment

| FiscalNote helps you stay on top of the energy and environmental policy issues you care about, from clean energies and utilities to plastics and pollution.

Monitor rapidly evolving energy & environmental policy trends across the U.S.

U.S. Local, State & Federal: Bill analysis, state rules and notices, city & county minutes and agendas, federal regulatory dockets, and more, from 12,000+ local government entities, all 50 states, D.C., and Congress.

Award-Winning, Nonpartisan News: See the U.S. policy developments driving the most pressing conversations around energy and environmental issues.

Local Policy Insights: Weekly, curated reports on the top U.S. municipal-level activity around energy and environmental issues that could impact your organization.

Stay ahead of energy & environmental policy worldwide

Sustainability Reporting: Identify and meet your sustainability targets, measure your carbon footprint, and plan for future reductions.

More Global Data Than Any Other Solution: The largest set of legislative and regulatory data from 80+ countries across North America, South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific, with contact information for close to 300,000 elected officials worldwide.

Collaborative Workspaces: Centralized workspaces for global teams to prioritize and coordinate messaging, documents, and tasks on key issues.

Access expert analysis from our in-house advisory teams

Macroeconomic and Geopolitical Trends: In-depth analysis of the latest energy and environmental issues.

Policy Analysis & Reporting: Weekly reports highlighting key energy and environmental bills and rules with impact summaries, covering everything you can't afford to miss.

Curated Business Intelligence: Custom feeds on the business implications of the latest energy and environmental developments.

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All-in-One Policy Solutions for Managing Energy & Environmental Issues

Stay ahead of evolving energy and environmental policy with FiscalNote’s all-in-one solutions.

  • Bring your issues management to the next level with the FiscalNote platform. Track policy at local, state, federal and global levels, manage every interaction your organization has with stakeholders, and give your team maximum efficiency with collaboration and workflow tools so everyone is aware and on the same page.

    Click here to learn more