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Congressional Offices

| Closely follow policy news and address constituent concerns.

Updates as they happen

You need timely information about the bills, regulations, and committees that are critical to your policy work. With CQ, PolicyNote, and Curate, you can track the latest developments on all the issues that impact your constituents. Full data on legislators and staff provide insight into lawmakers’ voting histories and connect you to key collaborators.



Effective constituent communication

A complex political environment means it’s more important than ever to build rapport with and respond to correspondence from your electorate. Fireside’s all-in-one solution allows you to launch a professionally designed website, proactively share progress on policy initiatives, and efficiently manage casework — all without having to integrate platforms or use separate tools.


Centralized stakeholder management

PolicyNote serves as a central source of truth for your office when it comes to stakeholder relationships, automatically tracking meetings and communications with peers and constituents. PolicyNote helps you identify potential allies by providing detailed data on legislator ideologies and voting records.


“There were communities where we didn’t know what was going on with policymaking. Now I can get notified really quickly. This absolutely helps us with breadth and depth of knowing what’s going on.”

Curate user

“We use CQ Federal to track legislation, developments, and keywords from hearings. We need to stay on top of things. These alerts serve as an information source for congressional staff.”

CQ User

A suite of offerings built for the Hill

Whether you’re looking for nonpartisan news, up-to-the-minute bill alerts, constituent management tools, or all three, we’ve got you covered.

  • PolicyNote is an AI-powered platform that offers comprehensive U.S. state and federal policy intelligence, without the complexity.

    Click here to learn more about policynote

Ready to see for yourself?

See why 200+ congressional offices and committees trust CQ, Fireside, FiscalNote, and Curate