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The Biggest Issues Facing State Legislators in 2024

An in-depth look at the top issues on state legislative agendas next year.

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With the presidential election slated for Nov. 5, 2024, the political landscape is poised for significant shifts. Republicans will fight to keep control in the House of Representatives, where all 435 seats are up for election, but only 14 representatives said they won't run again as of September 2023. At the same time, 33 seats are up for grabs in the Democratic-led Senate.

But the impact extends far beyond Washington, D.C. The 2024 elections will decide who sits in 86 state chambers across 44 states and who will be governor in 11 states.

The activity surrounding these elections shapes public conversations and affects state lawmaking sessions. And while state lawmakers in 2024 will still contend with their most prominent responsibilities — budget, education, and healthcare — a few other issues are expected to take the stage:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)

  • Broadband access

  • Environmental matters

  • Reproductive rights

  • Voter rights

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