European Elections MEP List
by Danilo Gattullo, FiscalNote
The most complete list of candidate and elected MEPs, pre and post EU Elections

MEP List Service
The next European Parliament elections will have a key role in shaping the future of Europe as a continent and the EU as an institution. More than half of the new Members of the European Parliament are likely to be new to the job. It is therefore important to get to know the new lawmakers as early in the process as possible.
FiscalNote Europe has compiled a list of MEP candidates, including details on their affiliations, projections and social media. This information will help you identify which candidate can become a new Member of the European Parliament. Organizations can use this data to monitor candidates and identify potential new allies and threats before the elections take place.
Shortly following the elections, we will reveal the composition of the new European Parliament. We will produce a new MEP file including the names, full contact details, and social media account of every new Member of the European Parliament. The MEP database can help you contact MEPs easily by sending personalized multi-recipient e-mails with just a few clicks with Microsoft Outlook. It will also allow you to sort MEPs according to their political groups, national parties, nationalities, committees etc…
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